
Are you pregnant?

Besides taking a pregnancy test or going to see a gynecologist, there is no certain way to tell if you’re actually pregnant or not but there are a few symptoms which can direct you towards the most likely possibility.
The thing is, symptoms vary from woman to woman and, in some cases, they can even be confused with premenstrual symptoms. Moreover, some woman may not even notice any symptoms until further on in the pregnancy.
Here you have a list of the most common symptoms of pregnancy. Take notice that some of these symptoms can also have other causes besides pregnancy so make sure you take that pregnancy test.

1.  Missed Period

If you keep track of your period and it’s usually pretty regular then you should definitely take a pregnancy test even if you experience no other symptom. If you don’t track your period or if you have an irregular menstrual cycle then watch out for other pregnancy symptoms like breast tenderness or even nausea.

2. Spotting

Spotting can be one of the symptoms of pregnancy as,  10-14 days after conception, the fertilized egg attaches itself to the lining of the uterus. This is known as “implantation bleeding” and it usually occurs around the time when the menstrual cycle should have started – it generally lasts for a short period of time and the bleeding is much lighter than during menstruation.

3.  Frequent urination

Frequent urination is caused by the increase of blood flow through the kidneys. This happens because of the change in hormones during pregnancy. As your pregnancy advances you will have to take more and more trips to the bathroom.

4. Tender or swollen breasts

Change in hormones is once again the cause for an early pregnancy symptom. Your breasts may begin to feel sore and sensitive early on in your pregnancy which is quite similar to the swelling you might experience before your period. After the first trimester your body should adjust and the soreness should be less bothersome.

5. Nausea

Though it’s known as“morning sickness”, nausea related to pregnancy can happen at any time in the day. This pregnancy symptom may appear as early as 3 weeks in the pregnancy for some, while for others it may start a month after conception.
If you don’t experience nausea it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re not pregnant. Some woman may not get nauseous at all while others will have to wait for the end of the first trimester to start feeling better.

6.  Food cravings or aversions

Be it you can’t wait to stick your spoon into a bowl of ice cream or you find yourself looking at certain foods with queasiness, both are symptoms of pregnancy every mom-to-be experiences. A study suggests this may happen because of the rise in estrogen although there is still not enough evidence to pin it for certain.

7. Fatigue

Though not for certain, the change in hormones at the beginning of the pregnancy can cause you to feel exhausted up until you reach the second trimester. However, fatigue might return somewhere in the third semester when carrying the baby around may take more of your energy than before.

8. Mood swings

Mood swings are one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy. Expectant mothers are affected by the change in hormones in different ways amongst which heightened emotions are the most common. You may be extremely happy at times or, on other occasions,  experience feelings of anxiousness or depression.

9. Constipation

Strange right? Well, this happens because your digestive system  is slowing down. The fact that your body is flooded by hormones can be a cause for this early symptom of pregnancy.

10. Dizziness

Because your blood vessels dilate and your blood pressure drops, dizziness may appear. This is another early symptom which can start as early as the third week of pregnancy.
